Citologija in molekularna genetika. Celična jedra, kromosomi, geni, križanje, samopodvajanje, zarodna linija. DNK kot nosilec dednih informacij. Struktura in replikacija DNA in RNA. Genetska koda in mutacija. Sinteza, struktura in delovanje beljakovin. Dvojna vijačnica. – Atlas 46 prosojnic s 172 slikami


Šifra: Lieder_8220 Kategorija:


Cytology and Molecular Genetics. Cell nuclei, chromosomes, genes, crossover, self-replication, germ-line. DNA as a carrier of hereditary information. Structure and replication of DNA and RNA. Genetic code and mutation. Synthesis, structure and function of proteins. The double helix. – Atlas of 46 transparencies with 172 pictures

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