Evolucija življenja. Zvezdna, kemična in organska evolucija. Razvoj prokariotov – Biološki razvoj od prokariotov do rastlinskega in živalskega kraljestva – Osnove, mehanizmi in poti evolucije rastlinskega in živalskega kraljestva – Atlas 39 grafoskopov, velikosti 22 x 28 cm, ki obsega 105 barvnih slik, večinoma z več sestavnimi figurami. Skice in delovni listi s poldiagramskimi načrti in besedili. Brošura z upodobljenimi razlagalnimi komentarji za učitelja. Vse v močni plastični pili z obročnim mehanizmom. NOVA OBJAVA


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The Evolution of Life. Stellar, Chemical, and Organic Evolution. Development of Procaryotes – The Biological Evolution from the Procaryotes to the Vegetable and Animal Kingdom – Basis, Mechanisms, and Ways of Evolution of the Vegetable and Animal Kingdom – Atlas of 39 Overhead-Transparencies, size 22 x 28 cm, comprising 105 color pictures, mostly with several component figures. Sketch and work-sheets with semidiagrammatic designs and texts. Brochure with depictured explanatory comments for the teacher. All in strong plastic file with ring-mechanism. NEW PUBLICATION

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