Transmisijski elektronski mikrografi. Celice in tkiva človeka, živali in rastlin. Močno povečane elektronske mikrofotografije (50000 do 100000 x) prikazujejo ultra-strukture celičnih organelov. Slike manjših povečav (5000 do 30000 x) dajejo vtis o mikrostrukturi tkiv in organov. – Atlas 24 prosojnic s 120 slikami


Šifra: Lieder_8,222.00 € Kategorija:


Transmission Electron Micrographs. Cells and tissues of man, animals and plants. Greatly enlarged electron micrographs (50000 up to 100000 x) show the ultra-structures of the cell organelles. Pictures of lower magnification (5000 up to 30000 x) give an impression of the microstructure of the tissues and organs. – Atlas of 24 transparencies with 120 pictures

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